Wednesday, July 11, 2007

LInk some sugar on me

  • The CTA chief continues to dig the hole deeper. Really, Ron, believe it or not this isn't about you. We don't care about you. We would just like you to keep the trains running, preferably faster than 2 mph, and moderately cool. Thanks, dickhead. [ChiTrib]

  • People totally fucking love Peter Sagal. SCK isn't much one for NPR-loving pussies with their water-bongs and bicycles, but this dude has as following, so we're going to see him tape Wait Wait Don't Tell Me. [Chicagoist]

  • Sandwiches are awesome. Calliope should be on this list somewhere though, yum. [TOC]

  • Lincoln Park Chad Society- SCK's fav new blog this year. Check out the Trixie/Chad lifecycle and the list of popular Chad names. But cmon Chad, no A-list Trixie wears Antik denim. Their older but cool aunt might. [LPChad]

  • Amy Jacobsen and her foxy bikini made a big mistake. And now they've been fired. [ChiTrib]

Friday, July 06, 2007

Eleven going on Mel Gibson

When I was eleven year old, way back in the early 90s, I spent my days crushing on high school's star basketball player, languishing on my daybed as I read Teen Magazine and talked on my princess phone. My nights were spent listening to Rick Dees while kissing pictures in my yearbook and playing MASH. Sure, things got racy sometimes. Barbie stole Skippers boyfriend Kevin and I graduated from the Babysitters Club to Sweet Valley High, but overall life was pretty fucking wholesome.

It makes me sound about 80 to say this, but...
what the fuck has the world become?

I blame Lindsay Lohan.

Sidebar- totally click on that MASH link above. Amazing, amazing.