Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Link me baby one more time

  • The Brown's Chicken case finally goes to trial. What took so effing long? Uh, the judge fell off a ladder. [SunTimes]
  • Claire Rice died after choking on a piece of steak at the Chicago Yacht Club. Now her husband is suing the club for failing to properly perform the Heimlich manuever. Why not sue ole Claire's parents for failing to teach their daughter how to 'chew it up good'? People, they're the worst. [Chicagoist]
  • Things just keep getting worse for the drunk/angry Chi PD. There is another "videotaped bar beating", this one featuring SIX off-duty officers beating some people at Jefferson Tap in December. The officers have been allowed to remain on duty for the past 3 months. Jesus Fucking Christ. [ChiTrib]
  • Eat and drink all 100 of these things. I dare you. [TOC]

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