Friday, April 13, 2007

Things We Learned This Week

  • Calling a female athletic team "nappy headed hos" is probably a bad idea, especially if you are a white gravel voiced/faced creepy old man. [MSNBC]
  • While driving/riding in a car to a meeting between disgraced radio hosts and basketball hos, or just anywhere, it is a good idea to wear a seatbelt. [CNN]
  • Kurt Vonnegut was still alive. [NYT]
  • That this flat-ironed freak show is someone's father. Now if I could only figure out who my own babys daddy is... [People]
  • Erba in Lincoln Square is yummers. Yes, that's right, yummers. [Metromix]
  • The amount of time it takes a new Cubs manager to have a meltdown? 9 games. We predict a total nervous breakdown somewhere around June 12th. [ChiTrib]
  • We are completely obsessed with Google Image searches (see above). What happens when you Google Image search "Google Image search?" This! Like holding a mirror to a mirror.
  • That if it doesn't warm up soon we are going to have to move. Seventh City Kitty has a nice ring, and we won't have to change our initials. So get ready... San Antonio? Er, on second thought, it's going to get nice any second now.
  • Alanis has much more melodic and sexy lady humps than Fergie.

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