Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Link it up

  • Aw! Bears helmets on the Art Institute lions! We'll have to go there and take a photo. If only they fit... Screw this, lets go see the bean. [ChicagoTribune]

Related: If you ever wondered, as I did, how they light up them buildings so neat with words and stuff, the Tribune has answers. [ChicagoTribune]

  • Everyone likes boobs. Radar tracks our national obsession. [Radar]

  • Harry Potter is grown up and staring, naked, in a play with a horse? Hot. My fav is BWE dubbing him "white D'Angelo". [BWE]

  • Tyra Banks still talking about her weight, defending her weight, saying her weight doesn't matter. Tyty, if you don't care about it stop talking about it. We were already over it... well... I guess we were never really into it. [TMZ]

  • American Idol to replace current Trainwreck Paula Abdul with former/eternal Trainwreck Courtney Love? That we would watch, if only for the interaction between CLove and Seacrest. [UsMagazine]

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